Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I wrote in my Birthday reflections blog about fear - it is funny how yesterday it was a distant memory, properly placed in the box called "The Past" - and today - WOW - it flooded over me and knocked me off my center (The state of my balance was obviously much more precarious than I thought)

I continuously walk into situations assuming the best of people, and I really like that about myself . . until things like today come up. I find I question myself, I can feel my intestines twisting and I suddenly want to vomit, I want to pace until there is a path worn into the floor, I KNOW I am over reacting, because in the end, the only thing I have control over is that very thing, my reaction. And so I have to talk myself (and ask my Sister to do the same for me, just as I do for her when needed) through this and hope that I don't allow it to change the way I perceive things.

Note to self: I am OK, I like the fact that I trust and give, I will not allow another's need for control to change the person I am at my core.

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