Monday, March 22, 2010

Birthday reflections

On March 14th I turned 47, what a fun day, Bill took me over the Mountain and then, even better, back over again to the North past Shell Falls. It was a strange visit to the Falls, every other time I have been there, the Falls are defeningly loud, roaring over the rocks and down into the canyon, the sound adds to the drama.

This time, the snow covered the Falls almost completely, and although it was strikingly beautiful, it was eerie - just the muffled sound of running water in the background. I could still see the Falls rushing behind the snow and ice through 2 small breaks, but the scene was more peaceful than dramatic. A wonderful place to visit if you ever get the chance to make the drive over the Big Horns on 14.

Back to the Birthday reflections - so many people made comments like "Happy 39th" or "Did you finally reach 30?" I have to say - I have at least learned from every single year, most I loved - and I definitely earned each one. Why would I want to forget one, much less 17 of them (Hokey Pete - has it really been 17 years since I was 30?????) Even the very difficult years brought new wisdom, self discovery, new commitments to truth and integrity in every facet of my life.

True, there are times I need to review and recommit, especially when it comes to spending money - but absolute truth has become my strength and stability, together with Jesus Christ, who sustains me in ways I cannot express.

Bill continues to amaze me in his love, he is my closest friend, and he is still, the single nicest human I have ever met. Loud and obnoxious at times, usually the times I most wish he would be silent - but his heart is the kindest and softest, most giving, I have known. I am so very thankful he is in my life, each day is a blessing.

47 short years - I can remember when fear shaped every moment of every day - not necessarily justified fear, but the fear was incredibly real to me. I am sad at what I allowed myself to lose because of this fear, I cry when I consider what it cost my family. When I see it in another's eyes, it makes my heart ache for them - I know they cannot reach out for the fear is completely paralyzing. I am thankful everyday that Christ pulled me out of the mire that fear built around me - and then allowed me to blossom and move forward. I only hope my own children can see the importance of fixing their eyes on the Almighty when making their way through their lives - I pray daily for their hearts.

Thank You Lord, for each and every one of my 47 years - I pray that my 48th will be lived for YOU!

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