Saturday, April 3, 2010


Tomorrow is Easter, April 4th, 2010.
For a few weeks now I've been looking for a photo that shows a cross, something subtle, you know, branches in a tree, a pattern in a rock, I had all but given up and on the way home from taking sunrise photos at Renner - this presented itself to me. I realize they are electric poles - but the way the 3 of them show up on the hill and the rest blend - seemed like the perfect Easter scene. It is Saturday, the fields around the crosses are deserted, everyone has gone home, the 3 men crucified are entombed - only  Christ's followers pray, but tomorrow morning they will be witness to the resurrection of One and only Son of God the Father Almighty, Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord.
7 am Sunrise Service at the Ten Sleep United Methodist Church and then breakfast. I have missed going to church, for the last few months we have been pretty regular attendees there, it's very small and very friendly, we like it a lot. While there is something to be said for personal meditations on a mountain top, there is also great value in fellowship with other Christians and I'm happy to be back in the saddle, so to speak. The minister, Rev. Huston Green, has a very casual way about him, he takes a while to get around to his point in his sermons, but he's already made me think and I mean 3 weeks later I'm still reflecting on his sermon.

It's time for bed now, I'm still in wonder over God's gift to all of us, I'm so very thankful for everything He has given me. I feel humbled and undeserving, I'm looking forward to tomorrow's service.

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